CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 1
CU Amiga Magazine CD-ROM Special Edition (1995)(EMAP Images)(GB)[Issue 1995-11].iso
< prev
Text File
2,306 lines
; $VER: DFA 2.2 (09.09.94)
; Script to install DFA V 2.2
; English strings
(set default_lang 256)
; Globals...
(set #msg-doserror-msg "Dos Error %ld detected")
(set #msg-imgdrawers-prompt "Copying Image drawer...")
(set #msg-iicon "Installing Icon...")
; Specials...
(set #msg-transcript-msg "Installing DFA - THE address utility...")
(set #msg-olddfa-prompt
(cat "There is an old version of DFA on "
"your harddisk!\n\n"
"Do you want to uninstall it?\n"
(set #msg-olddfa-help
(cat "If you select 'YES', the old DFA "
"and all related files, i.e. locale "
"catalogs, preferences etc. are deleted. "
"The address files are not touched, "
"so you won't loose any addresses! "
(set #msg-udfaexe-choice "DFA executables" )
(set #msg-udfadoc-choice "DFA documentation")
(set #msg-udfarexx-choice "DFA Arexx scripts")
(set #msg-udfareadme-choice "DFA readme files")
(set #msg-udfaodu-choice "OwnDevUnit library")
(set #msg-udirtree-choice "DFA directory tree")
(set #msg-uninstall-prompt "Please select the parts of DFA to uninstall!")
(set #msg-uninstall-help
(cat "You may select none, some or all of the "
"displayed items. The installer will try "
"to uninstall the different parts of DFA.\n"
"Please notice that it is not possible to "
"uninstall the 'Addressfiles' drawer, as "
"this would be too 'dangerous'.\n"
"For this reason the DFA main directory "
"keeps existent as well as the 'DFA:' "
"assign, performed in the user-startup.\n\n"
"Deleting the DFA directory tree means that "
"all existing drawers within the 'DFA:' "
"directory are deleted with the exeption of "
"the 'Addressfiles' drawer (see above).\n"
"Furthermore, only EMPTY drawers are deleted, "
"i.e. the directory tree is only uninstalled, "
"if you uninstall the drawers' contents as "
"The catalog files are uninstalled in every "
(set #msg-udfaexe-msg "The DFA executables are to be uninstalled.")
(set #msg-udfadoc-msg "The DFA documentation is to be uninstalled.")
(set #msg-udfarexx-msg "The DFA Arexx scripts are to be uninstalled.")
(set #msg-udfareadme-msg "The DFA readme files are to be uninstalled.")
(set #msg-udfaodu-msg "The 'OwnDevUnit' library is to be uninstalled.")
(set #msg-udirtree-msg "The DFA directory tree is to be uninstalled.")
(set #msg-udfa1xexe-working "Deleting DFA V1.x executable...")
(set #msg-udfa20lib-working "Deleting dfa 2.0 library...")
(set #msg-udfa20prf-working "Deleting DFA 2.0 preferences program...")
(set #msg-udfawarn-msg
(cat "If you've already installed DFA V2.x please make sure "
"that you don't mix up version 2.2 and previous version's "
"executables as using a mixture of different versions may "
"cause the system to crash"
(set #msg-udfa1xcat-working "Deleting catalog files of DFA V1.x...")
(set #msg-udfa20cat-working "Deleting catalog files of DFA V2.x...")
(set #msg-uprefsfile-prompt
(cat "Do you want to delete your old "
"preferences file?\n"
(set #msg-uprefsfile-help
(cat "If you select 'YES', the old DFA "
"preferences file is deleted, i.e. "
"you have to rearrange all windows "
"and set all preferences."
"Notice that old preferences files "
"CAN be read by newer DFA versions. "
(set #msg-uprefsfile-working "Deleting preferences file of DFA...")
(set #msg-nodfa-msg
(cat "No old version of DFA found!\n"
"You either don't have an old version installed, "
"or it is on a place on your harddisk where it "
"wasn't found.\n\nIf you have installed an old "
"version of DFA anywhere on your system, please "
"delete it manually or make sure that both "
"versions don't run at the same time, as they "
"are not compatible in some ways."
(set #msg-dfashare-msg
(cat "*** DFA is SHAREWARE ***\n\n"
"If you use it regularly, please remember "
"that you have to register!\n\n"
"Please notice that the amount of time the "
"author is able to invest into DFA depends "
"directly on the number of people who register.\n"
"Details about the registration can be found in "
"the Registration program or in the documentation!\n\n"
"Enjoy using DFA.\n\n"
"Dirk Federlein"
(set #msg-dfadest-prompt "Please select a place for the DFA distribution")
(set #msg-dfadest-help
(cat "Choose a destination partition or directory "
"to contain the DFA distribution. A new drawer, "
"called 'DFA' will be generated to contain some "
"parts of the distribution by default. Other parts "
"of the distribution may be installed to this "
"drawer or the drawer you specify in the particular "
"case. "
(set #msg-mkdfadir-prompt
(cat "You have selected a drawer named 'DFA'!\n"
"Does this mean you want to install the "
"DFA application to THIS drawer?"
(set #msg-mkdfadir-help
(cat "Select 'Yes' to install DFA directly into "
"the existing drawer or select 'No' to "
"install the 'DFA' package into a new drawer "
"called 'DFA'."
(set #msg-installto-msg "The DFA application will be installed into: \n\n" )
(set #msg-setdirtree-working "Setting up the DFA default directory tree...")
(set #msg-imgdrawers-prompt
(cat "Would you like to get the very special\n"
"Image Drawers of MagicWB 2.0 installed?\n\n"
(set #msg-imgdrawers-help
(cat "Usually the default drawer image is used for "
"all drawers.\n\n"
"If you select 'Yes', the beautiful MagicWB 2.0 "
"'Image Drawers' are installed!\n"
(set #msg-startup-prompt "Now the DFA assignment will be included into your user-startup file. ")
(set #msg-startup-help
(cat "This is absolutely needed for the DFA application\n"
"to run correctly, so don't skip this part."
(set #msg-defexe-prompt "Copying default executables...")
(set #msg-serverdest-prompt "Please select a place for the DFA-Server executable")
(set #msg-serverdest-help
(cat "Choose a destination partition or directory "
"to contain the DFA-Server executable. The install "
"program copies the DFA-Server executable 'DFA' "
"to the location you choose. "
"No extra drawer will be created! "
(set #msg-xserver-working "Extracting DFA-Server executable from archive...")
(set #msg-iserver-prompt "Installing the DFA-Server executable...")
(set #msg-iservericon-prompt "Installing DFA-Server Icon...")
(set #msg-editordest-prompt "Please select a place for the DFA-Editor executable")
(set #msg-editordest-help
(cat "Choose a destination partition or directory "
"to contain the DFA-Editor executable. The install "
"program copies the DFA-Editor executable 'DFAEditor' "
"to the location you choose. "
"No extra drawer will be created! "
(set #msg-xeditor-working "Extracting DFA-Editor executable from archive...")
(set #msg-ieditor-prompt "Installing the DFA-Editor executable...")
(set #msg-ieditoricon-prompt "Installing DFA-Editor icon...")
(set #msg-prefsdest-prompt "Please select a place for the DFA-Prefs executable")
(set #msg-prefsdest-help
(cat "Choose a destination partition or directory "
"to contain the DFA-Prefs executable. The install "
"program copies the DFA-Prefs executable 'DFAPrefs' "
"to the location you choose. "
"No extra drawer will be created! "
(set #msg-xprefs-working "Extracting DFA-Prefs executable from archive...")
(set #msg-iprefs-prompt "Installing the DFA-Preferences executable...")
(set #msg-iprefsicon-prompt "Installing DFA-Prefs icon...")
(set #msg-libdest-prompt "Please select a place for the DFA-Library")
(set #msg-libdest-help
(cat "Choose a destination partition or directory "
"to contain the DFA-Library. The install "
"program copies the DFA-Library 'dfa.library' "
"to the location you choose. "
"No extra drawer will be created! "
(set #msg-xlib-working "Extracting the DFA-Library from archive...")
(set #msg-ilib-prompt "Installing the DFA-Library...")
(set #msg-locale-prompt "Which language(s) do you want to get installed?")
(set #msg-locale-help
(cat "You may choose none, one or more languages. "
"If you don't have an operation system that "
"supports locale, please select no language "
"at all.\n"
"Locale support is given in Workbench 2.1 "
"and above.\n"
"Please note that English is the builtin "
"language and does not need extra catalog "
"files! "
(set #msg-xlocale-ger-working "Extracting german catalogs from archive...")
(set #msg-xlocale-fre-working "Extracting french catalogs from archive...")
(set #msg-ulocale-ger-working "Deleting obsolete german catalogs...")
(set #msg-ulocale-ger-working "Deleting obsolete french catalogs...")
(set #msg-arexx-prompt
(cat "Do you want to install the example AREXX scripts?\n\n"
"Please notice that Arexx scripts that you may "
"have got together with DFA V1.x are NOT "
"compatible to the new ones in some ways!\n\n"
"For details about these Arexx scripts please "
"read the documentation and look up the "
"information given in the particular scripts. "
(set #msg-arexx-help
(cat "The sample ARexx scripts can give you an idea "
"how to use DFA in connection to ARexx and e.g. "
"the Cygnus Ed (by ADSG).\n"
"Please notice: Only arexx scripts that do not "
"already exist, will be installed!\n"
(set #msg-arexxdest-prompt "Select the directory where to install the ARexx scripts")
(set #msg-arexxdest-help
(cat "If you want to *use* the Arexx scripts at once, "
"select an directory that is already within your "
"Arexx search path."
(set #msg-xarexx-working "Extracting Arexx scripts from archive...")
(set #msg-keydest-prompt "Select the directory where to install the DFA keyfile")
(set #msg-keydest-help
(cat "The DFA keyfile can be copied to any drawer. "
"The default directory where the keyfile is "
"copied to is 's:'."
"If you select another drawer, the environment "
"variable 'KEYPATH' is set accordingly."
(set #msg-ikeyfile-prompt "Installing the DFA keyfile...")
(set #msg-setkeypath-working "Setting environment variable 'KEYPATH'...")
(set #msg-iadrfile-prompt "Do you want to install the default\naddress file?")
(set #msg-iadrfile-help
(cat "The default address file is named 'default.dfa' and "
"will be copied into the 'DFA:AddressFiles' drawer. "
"It contains the author's address which could be "
"useful in some cases (Bug reports, Registration etc.) "
"However, if you do already have such a file within "
"your 'DFA:Addressfiles' drawer you may not want to overwrite it. "
(set #msg-adrfileconfirm-prompt
(cat "Be careful!\n "
"There already exists a file called 'default.dfa' in the 'DFA:Addressfiles' directory.\n "
"Do you really want to overwrite this file? \n"
(set #msg-doclang-prompt "Choose which documentation you want to get installed")
(set #msg-doclang-help
(cat "Depending on the language you select, "
"the corresponding TeX, AmigaGuide, "
"ONLINE help and readme files will "
"be installed."
(set #msg-doclang-eng-choice "English documentation")
(set #msg-doclang-ger-choice "German documentation")
(set #msg-ireadme-prompt "Copying default readme files...")
(set #msg-docparts-prompt
(cat "Choose the kind of documentation you would "
"like to get installed"
(set #msg-docparts-help
(cat "The AmigaGuide documentation will only "
"be usefull, if you have an amigaguide "
"reader like 'Amigaguide' or 'Multiview' "
"It _can_ be used for ONLINE help as well "
"but you can used separate ONLINE help "
"files for that purpose.\n"
"They will be installed later on.\n"
"The DVI file makes only sense if you have "
"a TeX package or at least parts of it installed. "
(set #msg-docparts-ag-choice "AmigaGuide documentation")
(set #msg-docparts-tex-choice "TeX documentation (.dvi file)")
(set #msg-agdocdest-prompt "Select the location to install the Amigaguide documentation")
(set #msg-agdocdest-help
(cat "Choose a destination partition or directory "
"to contain the Amigaguide documentation. "
"The install program will copy the Amigaguide documentation "
"to this directory."
(set #msg-xag-working "Extracting Amigaguide documentation from archive")
(set #msg-texdocdest-prompt "Select the location to install the TeX documentation")
(set #msg-texdocdest-help
(cat "Choose a destination partition or directory "
"to contain the TeX documentation. "
"The install program will copy the TeX documentation "
"to this directory."
(set #msg-xtex-working "Extracting TeX documentation from archive")
(set #msg-oparts-prompt
(cat "You may choose the online help files you like "
"to get installed. (select <HELP> for details!)"
(set #msg-oparts-help
(cat "BIG Amigaguide documentation:\n"
"This is the 'ordinary' AmigaGuide documentation "
"If you've already installed it you may save some "
"harddisk space if you select it. However, please "
"don't forget that the complete file must be loaded "
"into RAM, if the ONLINE help is invoked!\n\n"
"Seperate ONLINE help files:\n"
"These files are much smaller than the BIG "
"documentation file. They need less RAM and "
"are loaded much faster."
"However they need some KB on your harddisk.\n\n"
"No online help:\n"
"If you don't need/like the ONLINE help feature, "
"you may choose to select no ONLINE help file "
"at all. But don't complain, if there doesn't "
"pop up a help requester if you press HELP! "
(set #msg-oparts-bighelp-choice "Big AmigaGuide documentation (200 KB) ")
(set #msg-oparts-smallhelp-choice "Small ONLINE help files (recommended!) ")
(set #msg-oparts-nohelp-choice "No ONLINE help at all ")
(set #msg-onlinedest-prompt "Select the location to install the ONLINE help")
(set #msg-onlinedest-help
(cat "Choose a destination partition or directory "
"to contain the online help. "
"The install program will copy the online help files "
"to this directory."
(set #msg-xonline-working "Extracting ONLINE help from archive")
(set #msg-noonlinehelp-msg
(cat "You chose not to install any online help "
"at all. If you want to install it later, "
"look in the Documentation.lha archive for "
"the files 'DFAEditor.guide' and "
"'DFAPrefs.guide'. Use the 'lhx'-utility "
"from the 'Tools' directory to extract these "
"files and read the documentation to learn "
"how to set the corresponding tooltypes "
"for the 'DFA-Editor' and the 'DFA-Prefs' "
(set #msg-odu-prompt "Do you want to install the OwnDevUnit.library\n(Version 3.3)?")
(set #msg-odu-help
(cat "This library is only needed, if you want to "
"use DFAfor dialing. Even then it is only needed, "
"if you are using programms like 'getty' that "
"sit on the serial device all the time.\n"
"In such a case the OwnDevUnit.library allows "
"DFA to signal the 'foreign' application that "
"it wants to use the serial device.\n "
"If it is not currently used, i.e. no data is "
"transferred, DFA gets the serial port for "
"dialing and returns it as soon as the dialing "
"job is completed."
(set #msg-odudest-prompt "Select the directory where to install the OwnDevUnit.library")
(set #msg-odudest-help "")
(set #msg-iodu-prompt "Installing the OwnDevUnit.Library...")
(set #msg-tooltypes-msg
(cat "Now several tooltypes are set:\n\n"
"* To DFA: - The path of the DFA-Editor program \n\n"
"* To DFAEditor: - The path of the DFA-Prefs program \n"
" - The path of the ONLINE help file \n\n"
"* To DFAPrefs: - The path of the ONLINE help file \n\n"
"All icon positions are reset as well."
(set #msg-end1-msg "The DFA-Server program (DFA) can be found in\n%s\n")
(set #msg-end2-msg "The DFA-Editor is located in %s\n")
(set #msg-end3-msg "and the DFA-Prefs program was copied to\n%s\n")
(set #msg-exit-msg "\nHave fun using DFA\n (and don't forget that it's SHAREWARE)")
; German strings
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set default_lang 1)
(set #msg-doserror-msg "DOS Fehler %ld aufgetreten.")
(set #msg-imgdrawers-prompt "Kopiere Image-Schublade...")
(set #msg-iicon "Installiere Icon...")
; Specials...
(set #msg-transcript-msg "Installation des Adress-Programms DFA...")
(set #msg-olddfa-prompt
(cat "Es existiert eine alte Version von DFA "
"auf Ihrer Festplatte!\n\n"
"Wollen Sie diese deinstallieren?\n"
(set #msg-olddfa-help
(cat "Wenn Sie 'YES' wählen, wird die alte Version"
"von DFA und alle mit dieser Version in Verbindung "
"stehenden Dateien, wie z.B. Locale-Kataloge, "
"alte Voreinstellungen u.s.w. gelöscht.\n\n"
"Bestehende Adress-Dateien bleiben unberührt, "
"sodaß Sie keine Adressen verlieren!"
(set #msg-udfaexe-choice "DFA Programme" )
(set #msg-udfadoc-choice "DFA Dokumentation")
(set #msg-udfarexx-choice "DFA Arexx Skripte")
(set #msg-udfareadme-choice "DFA Kurzmitteilungen (READMEs)")
(set #msg-udfaodu-choice "OwnDevUnit-Library")
(set #msg-udirtree-choice "DFA Verzeichnis-Struktur")
(set #msg-uninstall-prompt "Bitte wählen Sie die Teile von DFA, die Sie deinstallieren wollen!")
(set #msg-uninstall-help
(cat "Sie können keinen Punkt, einige oder alle "
"dargestellten Punkte auswählen. Der Installer "
"wird versuchen, die verschiedenen Teile von DFA "
"zu deinstallieren.\n"
"Bitte beachten Sie, daß es nicht möglich "
"ist, die Schublade mit den Adressdateien "
"zu loeschen, da dies 'zu gefährlich' wäre.\n"
"Aus diesen Gründen bleibt das DFA-Hauptverzeichnis "
"ebenso wie der DFA-Assign (der in der user-startup "
"Datei ausgeführt wird) bestehen.\n\n"
"Das Löschen der DFA-Verzeichnis-Struktur bedeutet, "
"daß alle Unterverzeichnisse innerhalb des 'DFA:' "
"Verzeichnisses gelöscht werden, mit Ausnahme "
"der 'Addressfiles'-Schublade (siehe oben).\n"
"Weiterhin werden nur LEERE Verzeichnisse gelöscht, "
"d.h. die Verzeichnis-Struktur wird nur dann "
"gelöscht, wenn Sie auch den Inhalt der Schubladen "
"Die Lokale-Dateien werden in jedem Fall gelöscht.\n"
(set #msg-udfaexe-msg "Die DFA - Programme werden deinstalliert.")
(set #msg-udfadoc-msg "Die DFA - Dokumentation wird deinstalliert.")
(set #msg-udfarexx-msg "Die DFA - Arexx-Skripts werden deinstalliert.")
(set #msg-udfareadme-msg "Die DFA - Kurzmitteilungen (READMEs) werden deinstalliert.")
(set #msg-udfaodu-msg "Die 'OwnDevUnit'-Library wird deinstalliert.")
(set #msg-udirtree-msg "Die DFA - Verzeichnis-Struktur wird deinstalliert.")
(set #msg-udfa1xexe-working "Lösche DFA V1.x...")
(set #msg-udfa20lib-working "Lösche die DFA-2.0-Library...")
(set #msg-udfa20prf-working "Lösche das DFA-2-0-Preferences-Programm...")
(set #msg-udfawarn-msg
(cat "Wenn Sie bereits DFA V2.x installiert hatten, stellen Sie bitte sicher, "
"daß Sie die Version 2.2 nicht mit früheren Version 'mischen', "
"da eine gleichzeitige Benutzung von Teilen aus verschiedenen Versionen "
"zu unerwünschten Nebeneffekten und sogar Systemabstürzen führen kann."
(set #msg-udfa1xcat-working "Lösche Katalog-Dateien von DFA V1.x...")
(set #msg-udfa20cat-working "Lösche Katalog-Dateien von DFA V2.x...")
(set #msg-uprefsfile-prompt
(cat "Wollen Sie Ihre alte Preferences-Datei "
(set #msg-uprefsfile-help
(cat "Wenn Sie 'YES' wählen, wird die alte Voreinstellungs-Datei "
"gelöscht, d.h. Sie müssen alle Fensterpositionen "
"neu justieren und alle Einstellungen von Grund auf "
"Bitte beachten Sie, daß alte Voreinstellungs-Dateien "
"von aktuellen DFA-Versionen gelesen werden können."
(set #msg-uprefsfile-working "Lösche die DFA-Voreinstellungs-Datei...")
(set #msg-nodfa-msg
(cat "Keine alte DFA-Version gefunden!\n"
"Entweder habe Sie gar keine alte Version installiert, "
"oder sie befindet sich an einem Platz auf Ihrer "
"Festplatte, wo sie nicht gefunden werden konnte.\n\n"
"Wenn sich eine alte Version von DFA irgendwo auf Ihrem "
"System befinden sollte, löschen Sie diese bitte von "
"Hand, oder stellen Sie sicher, daß beide Versionen nicht "
"zur selben Zeit laufen, da sie nicht kompatibel sind."
(set #msg-dfashare-msg
(cat "*** DFA ist SHAREWARE ***\n\n"
"Wenn Sie DFA regelmäßig benutzen, denken Sie bitte "
"daran, daß Sie sich registrieren lassen müssen!\n"
"Bitte beachten Sie, daß die Zeit, die der Autor in DFA "
"investieren kann, nicht zuletzt von der Anzahl der "
"Anwender abhängt, die bereit sind, sich registrieren "
"zu lassen.\n"
"Wie Sie sich registrieren lassen können, entnehmen Sie "
"bitte dem Registrierungs-Programm oder der Dokumentation.\n\n"
"Viel Spaß mit DFA wünscht Ihnen\n"
"Dirk Federlein"
(set #msg-dfadest-prompt "Bitte wählen Sie einen Platz für das DFA-Verzeichnis")
(set #msg-dfadest-help
(cat "Wählen Sie eine Partition oder eine Schublade, "
"die das DFA-Paket enthalten soll. Eine neue Schublade "
"mit dem Namen 'DFA' wird angelegt, die mindestens einige "
"grundsätzliche Teile des DFA-Packets enthalten wird.\n"
"Andere Teile des DFA-Packets können in dieses Verzeichnis "
"oder die jeweils von Ihnen vorgegebene Schublade kopiert werden."
(set #msg-mkdfadir-prompt
(cat "Sie haben eine Schublade mit dem Namen 'DFA' ausgewählt!\n"
"Bedeutet dies, daß Sie das DFA-Packet in DIESES "
"Verzeichnis installieren wollen?"
(set #msg-mkdfadir-help
(cat "Wählen Sie 'Yes' um das 'DFA'-Packet direkt in "
"die bereits bestehende Schublade zu installieren "
"oder wählen Sie 'No' um eine neue Schublade mit "
"dem Namen 'DFA' für die 'DFA'-Distribution anzulegen."
(set #msg-installto-msg "Die DFA-Applikation wird installiert nach:\n\n" )
(set #msg-setdirtree-working "Installiere die DFA-Verzeichnis-Struktur...")
(set #msg-imgdrawers-prompt
(cat "Möchten Sie die besonderen 'Image'-Schubladen "
"der MagicWB 2.0 installieren?\n\n"
(set #msg-imgdrawers-help
(cat "Normalerweise wird das 'Default'-Icon für alle "
"neu angelegten Schubladen verwendet.\n\n"
"Wenn Sie jedoch 'Yes' wählen, werden die wunderschönen MagicWB 2.0 "
"'Image'-Schubladen installiert!\n"
(set #msg-startup-prompt "Die DFA-Zuweisung wird nun in Ihre 'user-startup'-Datei eingefügt.")
(set #msg-startup-help
(cat "Dieser Vorgang ist absolut notwendig, damit die DFA-Application\n"
"korrekt funktioniert. Überspringen Sie also nicht diesen Teil "
"der Installation!"
(set #msg-defexe-prompt "Kopiere Standard-Programme...")
(set #msg-serverdest-prompt "Bitte wählen Sie einen Platz für das DFA-Server Programm!")
(set #msg-serverdest-help
(cat "Wählen Sie eine Partition oder ein Verzeichnis "
"das das DFA-Server Programm enthalten soll. Das "
"Installier-Program kopiert den DFA-Server (Dateiname: 'DFA') "
"an den gewünschten Ort.\n"
"Es wird keine zusätzliche Schublade erzeugt!"
(set #msg-xserver-working "Entpacke das DFA-Server Programm...")
(set #msg-iserver-prompt "Installiere das DFA-Server Programm...")
(set #msg-iservericon-prompt "Installiere das DFA-Server Icon...")
(set #msg-editordest-prompt "Bitte wählen Sie einen Platz für das DFA-Editor Programm")
(set #msg-editordest-help
(cat "Wählen Sie eine Partition oder ein Verzeichnis, "
"welches das DFA-Editor Programm enthalten soll. Das "
"Installations-Programm kopiert den DFA-Editor (Dateiname: 'DFAEditor') "
"an den von Ihnen angegebenen Ort.\n"
"Es wird keine zusätzliche Schublade angelegt!"
(set #msg-xeditor-working "Entpacke das DFA-Editor Programm...")
(set #msg-ieditor-prompt "Installiere das DFA-Editor Programm...")
(set #msg-ieditoricon-prompt "Installiere das DFA-Editor Icon...")
(set #msg-prefsdest-prompt "Bitte wählen Sie einen Platz für das DFA-Voreinstellungs-Programm!")
(set #msg-prefsdest-help
(cat "Wählen Sie eine Partition oder ein Verzeichnis, "
"welches das DFA-Preferences-Programm enthalten soll. "
"Das Installations-Program kopiert das DFA-Preferences-Programm "
"(Dateiname: 'DFAPrefs') an den Ort, den Sie vorgeben.\n"
"Es wird keine weitere Schublade angelegt!"
(set #msg-xprefs-working "Entpacke das DFA-Voreinstellungs Programm...")
(set #msg-iprefs-prompt "Installiere das DFA-Voreinstellungs Programm...")
(set #msg-iprefsicon-prompt "Installiere das DFA-Voreinstellungs Icon...")
(set #msg-libdest-prompt "Bitte wählen Sie einen Platz für die DFA-Library")
(set #msg-libdest-help
(cat "Wählen Sie eine Partition oder ein Verzeichnis, "
"das die DFA-Library enthalten soll. Das Installations-Programm"
"kopiert die DFA-Library (Dateiname: 'dfa.library') "
"an den von Ihnen vorgegebenen Ort.\n"
"Es wird keine zusätzliche Schublade erzeugt!"
(set #msg-xlib-working "Entpacke die DFA-Library...")
(set #msg-ilib-prompt "Installiere die DFA-Library...")
(set #msg-locale-prompt "Welche Sprache(n) wollen Sie installieren?")
(set #msg-locale-help
(cat "Sie können keine, eine oder mehrere Sprache wählen. "
"Wenn Sie noch ein Betriebs-System verwenden, das "
"keine Landessprachenunterstützung bietet (OS 2.0), "
"so wählen Sie bitte KEINE Sprache aus.\n"
"Landessprachen werden ab Amiga-OS 2.1 unterstützt.\n"
"Bitte beachten Sie, daß Englisch die fest eingebaute "
"Sprache ist und daher keine zusätzlichen Kataloge "
"benötigt! "
(set #msg-xlocale-ger-working "Entpacke deutsche Kataloge...")
(set #msg-xlocale-fre-working "Entpacke französische Kataloge...")
(set #msg-ulocale-ger-working "Entferne überflüssige deutsche Kataloge...")
(set #msg-ulocale-ger-working "Entferne überflüssige französische Kataloge...")
(set #msg-arexx-prompt
(cat "Möchten Sie die mitgelieferten Beispiel-Arexx-Skripts installieren?\n\n"
"Bitte beachten Sie, daß eventuell vorhandene "
"Arexx-Skripts der Versionen 1.0 bis 1.2x nicht in "
"jeder Hinsicht zu denen der Version 2.x kompatibel sind!\n\n"
"Zu näheren Informationen zu den jeweiligen Arexx-Skripts "
"lesen Sie bitte die Dokumentation und sehen Sie auch "
"in den Skripts selbst nach."
(set #msg-arexx-help
(cat "Die Beispiel-ARexx-Skripts können Ihnen einen Eindruck "
"davon vermitteln, wie man DFA in Verbindung mit Arexx und z.B. "
"dem Cygnus-Ed (von ADSG) verwenden kann.\n"
"Bitte beachten Sie: Nur Arexx-Scripts, die noch nicht "
"vorhanden sind, werden installiert!\n"
(set #msg-arexxdest-prompt "Wählen Sie das Verzeichnis für die Arexx-Skripts")
(set #msg-arexxdest-help
(cat "Wenn Sie die Arexx-Skripts *sofort* verwenden wollen, "
"wählen Sie bitte ein Verzeichnis, das sich bereits innerhalb "
"des Arexx-Such-Pfades befindent (z.B. 'Rexx:')"
(set #msg-xarexx-working "Entpacke Arexx-Skripts...")
(set #msg-keydest-prompt "Wählen Sie ein Verzeichnis für das DFA-Keyfile")
(set #msg-keydest-help
(cat "Das DFA-Keyfile kann in jede Schublade kopiert werden.\n"
"Das Standard-Verzeichnis für das Keyfile ist die "
"Wenn Sie ein anderes Verzeichnis wählen, so wird "
"automatisch die Variable 'KEYPATH' entsprechend gesetzt."
(set #msg-ikeyfile-prompt "Installiere das DFA-Keyfile...")
(set #msg-setkeypath-working "Setze die Umgebungs-Variable 'KEYPATH'...")
(set #msg-iadrfile-prompt "Möchten Sie die Standard-Adress-Datei installieren?")
(set #msg-iadrfile-help
(cat "Die Standard-Adress-Datei nennt sich 'default.dfa' und "
"wird in das Verzeichnis 'DFA:AddressFiles' kopiert.\n"
"Sie enthält die Adresse des Autors, welche in manchen "
"Fällen von Nutzen sein kann (Fehler-Berichte, Registrierungen, usw.)\n"
"Wenn Sie aber bereits eine derartige Datei in diesem "
"Verzeichnis besitzen, wollen Sie diese wahrscheinlich "
"nicht überschreiben."
(set #msg-adrfileconfirm-prompt
(cat "Achtung! Vorsicht!\n\n"
"Es existiert bereits eine Datei mit dem Namen 'default.dfa' "
"im Verzeichnis 'DFA:Addressfiles'.\n "
"Wollen Sie dieses TATSÄCHLICH überschreiben?"
(set #msg-doclang-prompt "Wählen Sie, welche Dokumentation Sie instalieren möchten!")
(set #msg-doclang-help
(cat "Abhängig von der Sprache, die Sie anwählen, "
"wird die entprechende TeX- und AmigaGuide-"
"Dokumentation, ONLINE-Hilfe und Kurzinformationen "
"(READMEs) installiert."
(set #msg-doclang-eng-choice "Englische Dokumenation")
(set #msg-doclang-ger-choice "Deutsche Dokumentation")
(set #msg-ireadme-prompt "Kopiere Standard-Kurzinformationen (READMEs)...")
(set #msg-docparts-prompt
(cat "Wählen Sie, welche Art der Dokumentation "
"Sie installieren möchten!"
(set #msg-docparts-help
(cat "Die AmigaGuide-Dokumenation ist nur sinnvoll, "
"wenn Sie ein entsprechendes Anzeigeprogramm, "
"wie z.B. 'Multiview' oder 'AmigaGuide' besitzen.\n"
"Sie *kann* auch für die Online-Hilfe verwendet "
"werden, aber für diesen Zweck sind normalerweise "
"separate Dateien vorgesehen.\n"
"Diese werden (auf Wunsch) später installiert.\n\n"
"Die TeX-Dokumentation nützt Ihnen nur dann etwas, "
"wenn Sie zumindest Teile eines TeX-Packetes "
"(z.B. PasTeX von G.Heßmann) installiert haben."
(set #msg-docparts-ag-choice "AmigaGuide Dokumentation")
(set #msg-docparts-tex-choice "TeX Dokumentation (.dvi Datei)")
(set #msg-agdocdest-prompt "Wählen Sie einen Platz für die AmigaGuide-Dokumentation")
(set #msg-agdocdest-help
(cat "Wählen Sie eine Partition oder ein Verzeichnis, "
"das die Amigaguide-Dokumentation enthalten soll.\n"
"Das Installations-Programm wird die AmigaGuide-Anleitung "
"dorthin kopieren."
(set #msg-xag-working "Entpacke die AmigaGuide-Dokumentation...")
(set #msg-texdocdest-prompt "Wählen Sie einen Platz für die TeX-Dokumentation")
(set #msg-texdocdest-help
(cat "Wählen Sie eine Partition oder ein Verzeichnis, "
"das die TeX-Dokumentation enthalten soll.\n"
"Das Installations-Programm wird die TeX-Anleitung "
"dorthin kopieren."
(set #msg-xtex-working "Entpacke die TeX-Dokumentation...")
(set #msg-oparts-prompt
(cat "Wählen Sie die ONLINE-Hilfe-Dateien, die Sie "
"installieren möchten. (<HELP> für nähere Informationen!)"
(set #msg-oparts-help
(cat "GROSSE AmigaGuide-Dokumentation:\n"
"Dies ist die 'normale' AmigaGuide-Dokumentation. "
"Wenn Sie diese bereits zuvor installiert haben, können "
"Sie etwas Festplatten-Platz sparen, wenn Sie sie "
"auch hier auswählen. Beachten Sie aber, daß die komplette "
"Datei ins RAM geladen werden muß wenn Sie die "
"ONLINE-Hilfe anfordern.\n\n"
"Getrennte ONLINE-Hilfe-Dateien:\n"
"Diese Dateien sind viel kleiner, als die GROSSE "
"AmigaGuide-Dokumentatioin. Sie benötigen daher "
"weniger RAM: und können viel schneller geladen "
"werden. Allerdings benötigen Sie etwas zusätzlichen "
"Platz auf Ihrer Festplatte.\n\n"
"Keine ONLINE-Hilfe:\n"
"Wenn Sie keine Online-Hilfe brauchen oder wünschen, "
"können sie die Installation der Online-Hilfe "
"vermeiden. Wundern Sie sich aber bitte nicht, "
"wenn sie dann nach dem Druck auf die Help-Taste "
"keine Online-Hilfe erhalten."
(set #msg-oparts-bighelp-choice "GROSSE AmigaGuide-Dokumentation (200 KB) ")
(set #msg-oparts-smallhelp-choice "Getrennte Online-Hilfe-Dateien (empfohlen!) ")
(set #msg-oparts-nohelp-choice "Keine Online-Hilfe")
(set #msg-onlinedest-prompt "Wählen Sie einen Platz für die ONLINE-Hilfe")
(set #msg-onlinedest-help
(cat "Wählen Sie eine Partition oder ein Verzeichnis, "
"das die Online-Hilfe enthalten soll.\n"
"Das Installations-Programm wird die Online-Hilfe-Dateien "
"dorthin kopieren."
(set #msg-xonline-working "Entpacke die ONLINE-Hilfe...")
(set #msg-noonlinehelp-msg
(cat "Sie haben die Wahl getroffen, keine ONLINE-Hilfe "
"zu installieren. Wenn Sie diese später doch noch "
"installieren möchten, dann suchen Sie im Archiv "
"'Documentation.lha' nach den Dateien 'DFAEditor.guide' und "
"'DFAPrefs.guide'. Verwenden Sie das 'lhx'-Utility "
"Um diese Dateien zu entpacken und lesen in der "
"Dokumentation nach, wie die entsprechenden "
"Tooltypes für den DFA-Editor und das "
"DFA-Voreinstellungs-Programm zu setzen sind."
(set #msg-odu-prompt "Wollen Sie die OwnDevUnit.library\n(Version 3.3) installieren?")
(set #msg-odu-help
(cat "Diese Library wird nur benötigt, wenn Sie DFA "
"zum Anwählen von Telefonnummern verwenden wollen.\n"
"Selbst dann ist sie aber nur notwendig, wenn Sie "
"Programme, wie z.B. den 'getty' verwenden, die "
"permanent die serielle Schnittstelle blockieren.\n"
"In solch einem Fall erlaubt die 'OwnDevUnit'-Library "
"es DFA, der fremden Applikation 'mitzuteilen', daß "
"DFA die serielle Schnittstelle verwenden möchte. Falls die "
"serielle Schnittstelle nicht gerade z.B. Daten "
"überträgt, kann DFA die serielle Schnittstelle "
"zum Anwählen verwenden und sie 'zurückgeben', "
"sobald die Anwahl beendet ist."
(set #msg-odudest-prompt "Wählen Sie einen Platz für die 'OwnDevUnit'-Library")
(set #msg-odudest-help "")
(set #msg-iodu-prompt "Installiere die 'OwnDevUnit'-Library...")
(set #msg-tooltypes-msg
(cat "Jetzt werden einige Tooltypes gesetzt:\n\n"
"* In DFA: - Der Pfad des DFA-Editor Programms \n\n"
"* Im DFAEditor: - Der Pfad des DFA-Prefs Programms \n"
" - Der Pfad der Online-Hilfe-Datei \n\n"
"* in DFAPrefs: - Der Pfad der Online-Hilfe-Datei \n\n"
"Alle Icon Positionen werden zurückgesetzt."
(set #msg-end1-msg "Das DFA-Server-Programm (DFA) kann in\n%s gefunden werden\n")
(set #msg-end2-msg "Der DFA-Editor ist in %s\n")
(set #msg-end3-msg "und das DFA-Prefs-Programm wurde nach\n%s kopiert.\n")
(set #msg-exit-msg "\nViel Spaß bei der Verwendung von DFA\n (und denken Sie daran: Es ist SHAREWARE)")
(transcript #msg-transcript-msg)
; *****************************
; Try to uninstall DFA V1.x/2.0
; *****************************
; Is an old DFA (V[12].x) present?
(if (OR (exists "ENV:DFA/DFA.prefs")
(exists "SYS:WBStartup/DFA")
(exists "Locale:Catalogs/deutsch/dfa.catalog" (noreq))
(exists "Locale:Catalogs/françois/dfa.catalog" (noreq))
(exists "DFA:Prefs/Installation" (noreq)))
(if (askbool
(prompt #msg-olddfa-prompt )
(help #msg-olddfa-help )
; >= V2.2 -> Use formerly generated CLI scripts
(if (exists "DFA:Prefs/Installation/U_DFADir" (noreq))
; Ask for uninstallation details...
(set uninstall
(prompt #msg-uninstall-prompt)
(choices #msg-udfaexe-choice
(help #msg-uninstall-help )
(default -1)
(if (IN uninstall 0)
(message #msg-udfaexe-msg)
(run "execute DFA:Prefs/Installation/U_DFABinaries")
(run "delete DFA:Prefs/Installation/U_DFABinaries")
; Now deinstall default executables...
(run "delete " (tackon "DFA:C" "Registration"))
(run "delete " (tackon "DFA:C" "Registration.info"))
(run "delete " (tackon "DFA:C" "ClickForColors"))
(run "delete " (tackon "DFA:C" "ClickForColors.info"))
(if (IN uninstall 1)
(message #msg-udfadoc-msg)
(run "execute DFA:Prefs/Installation/U_DFADocs")
(run "delete DFA:Prefs/Installation/U_DFADocs")
(if (IN uninstall 2)
(message #msg-udfarexx-msg )
(run "execute DFA:Prefs/Installation/U_DFARexx")
(run "delete DFA:Prefs/Installation/U_DFARexx")
(if (IN uninstall 3)
(message #msg-udfareadme-msg )
(if (exists "DFA:Important!")
(run "delete DFA:Important! ALL")
(if (exists "DFA:Wichtig!")
(run "delete DFA:Wichtig! ALL")
(if (IN uninstall 4)
(message #msg-udfaodu-msg)
(run "execute DFA:Prefs/Installation/U_ODULib")
(run "delete DFA:Prefs/Installation/U_ODULib")
(if (IN uninstall 5)
(message #msg-udirtree-msg )
(run "delete DFA:C")
(run "delete DFA:Tools")
(run "delete DFA:Documentation")
(run "delete DFA:Libs")
(run "delete DFA:Rexx")
(run "delete DFA:Wichtig!")
(run "delete DFA:Important!")
; Uninstall DFA <= V2.2
; Remove DFA V2.0 executables...
(if (exists "SYS:WBStartup/DFA")
; Delete DFA executable
(working #msg-udfa1xexe-working)
(run "delete SYS:WBStartup/DFA")
(run "delete SYS:WBStartup/DFA.info")
(if (exists "Libs:dfa.library")
; Delete DFA library
(working #msg-udfa20lib-working)
(run "delete Libs:dfa.library")
(if (exists "SYS:Prefs/DFAPrefs")
; Delete DFA executable
(working #msg-udfa20prf-working)
(run "delete SYS:Prefs/DFAPrefs")
(run "delete SYS:Prefs/DFAPrefs.info")
(message #msg-udfawarn-msg )
; All version uninstalling...
(if (NOT (= (getassign "Locale") ""))
; Delete locale catalogs
(working #msg-udfa1xcat-working)
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/dansk/dfa.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/deutsch/dfa.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/italiano/dfa.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/nederlands/dfa.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/suomi/dfa.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/svenska/dfa.catalog")
(working #msg-udfa20cat-working)
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/deutsch/dfa.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/deutsch/dfalib.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/deutsch/dfaprefs.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/deutsch/dfaeditor.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/françois/dfa.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/françois/dfalib.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/françois/dfaprefs.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/françois/dfaeditor.catalog")
(if (exists "ENV:DFA/DFA.prefs")
; Delete prefs
(if (askbool
(prompt #msg-uprefsfile-prompt)
(help #msg-uprefsfile-help)
(working #msg-uprefsfile-working )
(run "delete ENV:DFA/DFA.prefs")
(run "delete ENVARC:DFA/DFA.prefs")
(message #msg-nodfa-msg )
(complete 0)
(message #msg-dfashare-msg )
(set DFAdir
(prompt #msg-dfadest-prompt )
(default "Work:")
(help #msg-dfadest-help)
; Check if Directory is already named DFA
(if (= (fileonly DFADir) "DFA")
(set MakeDFADir
(prompt #msg-mkdfadir-prompt)
(help #msg-mkdfadir-help )
(default 1)
(if (= MakeDFADir 1)
; Use existing directory
(set DFADir (pathonly DFADir))
(message #msg-installto-msg (tackon DFADir "DFA"))
; DFA Directory has to be created...
(message #msg-installto-msg (tackon DFADir "DFA"))
(makedir (tackon DFAdir "DFA")
; DFA Directory has to be created...
(makedir (tackon DFAdir "DFA")
(working #msg-setdirtree-working)
(makeassign "DFA" (tackon DFAdir "DFA"))
(makedir "DFA:Rexx"
(makedir "DFA:C"
(makedir "DFA:Tools"
(makedir "DFA:Prefs"
; The following directory is meant for storing the deinstallation
; scripts for the binaries, docs etc.
(makedir "DFA:Prefs/installation")
(makedir "DFA:Libs"
(makedir "DFA:Documentation"
(makedir "DFA:AddressFiles"
; Write DFA dir...
(run "echo delete " (tackon DFAdir "DFA") " > DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFADir" )
(run "protect DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFADir s add")
(complete 5)
(set ImageDrawers
(prompt #msg-imgdrawers-prompt)
(help #msg-imgdrawers-help)
(default 1)
(if (= ImageDrawers 1)
(prompt #msg-imgdrawers-prompt)
(source "/DFA.info")
(dest DFAdir)
(prompt #msg-imgdrawers-prompt)
(source "/AddressFiles.info")
(dest "DFA:")
(prompt #msg-imgdrawers-prompt)
(source "/Tools.info")
(dest "DFA:")
(prompt #msg-imgdrawers-prompt)
(source "/Documentation.info")
(dest "DFA:")
(run "ram:lhx e /MagicWB/MagicWBIcons.lha Rexx.info Libs.info Prefs.info DFA:")
(run "assign Libs: DFA:Libs ADD")
(complete 10)
(startup "DFA"
( command "assign DFA: " (tackon DFAdir "DFA") "\n")
( command "assign Libs: DFA:Libs ADD")
( prompt #msg-startup-prompt)
( help #msg-startup-help)
(complete 12)
; Copying default programs...
(prompt #msg-defexe-prompt)
(source "/Registration")
(dest "DFA:C")
(prompt #msg-defexe-prompt)
(source "/Tools/CheckBirthday")
(dest "DFA:Tools")
(prompt #msg-defexe-prompt)
(source "/ClickForColors")
(dest "DFA:C")
(set @default-dest "DFA:")
(complete 15)
; Set the dir and archive name for the binaries
(set bindir "/DFA/")
(set binarchive "/DFA/DFA-22.lha")
; ************************
; Install the DFA - Server
; ************************
; Select destination drawer
(set serverdest
(prompt #msg-serverdest-prompt)
(help #msg-serverdest-help)
(default "SYS:WBStartup")
; Extract executable from archive
(working #msg-xserver-working)
(set cmdstring (cat "ram:lhx e " binarchive))
(set cmdstring (cat cmdstring " DFA RAM:"))
; ...and execute it
(run cmdstring)
(run "ram:lhx e /MagicWB/MagicWBIcons.lha DFA.info RAM:")
; Copy file and .info
(prompt #msg-iserver-prompt)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "RAM:DFA")
(dest serverdest)
(run "Delete RAM:DFA")
(run "Delete RAM:DFA.info")
(run "echo delete " (tackon serverdest "DFA") " > DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFABinaries" )
(run "protect DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFABinaries s add")
(run "echo delete " (tackon serverdest "DFA.info") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFABinaries" )
(complete 20)
; ************************
; Install the DFA - Editor
; ************************
; Select destination drawer
(set editordest
(prompt #msg-editordest-prompt)
(help #msg-editordest-help )
(default "DFA:C")
; Extract executable from archive
(working #msg-xeditor-working)
(set cmdstring (cat "ram:lhx e " binarchive))
(set cmdstring (cat cmdstring " DFAEditor RAM:"))
(run cmdstring)
(run "ram:lhx e /MagicWB/MagicWBIcons.lha DFAEditor.info RAM:")
; Copy file
(prompt #msg-ieditor-prompt)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "RAM:DFAEditor")
(dest editordest)
(run "Delete RAM:DFAEditor")
(run "Delete RAM:DFAEditor.info")
(run "echo delete " (tackon editordest "DFAEditor") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFABinaries" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon editordest "DFAEditor.info") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFABinaries" )
(complete 25)
; ***************************************
; Install the DFA - Preferences - Program
; ***************************************
; Select destination drawer
(set prefsdest
(prompt #msg-prefsdest-prompt)
(help #msg-prefsdest-help)
(default "DFA:Prefs")
; Extract executable from archive
(working #msg-xprefs-working)
(set cmdstring (cat "ram:lhx e " binarchive))
(set cmdstring (cat cmdstring " DFAPrefs RAM:"))
(run cmdstring)
(run "ram:lhx e /MagicWB/MagicWBIcons.lha DFAPrefs.info RAM:")
; Copy file
(prompt #msg-iprefs-prompt)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "RAM:DFAPrefs")
(dest prefsdest)
(run "Delete RAM:DFAPrefs")
(run "Delete RAM:DFAPrefs.info")
(run "echo delete " (tackon prefsdest "DFAPrefs") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFABinaries" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon prefsdest "DFAPrefs.info") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFABinaries" )
(complete 35)
; *************************
; Install the DFA - Library
; *************************
; Select destination drawer
(set libdest
(prompt #msg-libdest-prompt)
(help #msg-libdest-help)
(default "DFA:Libs")
; Extract executable from archive
(working #msg-xlib-working)
(set cmdstring (cat "ram:lhx e " binarchive))
(set cmdstring (cat cmdstring " dfa.library RAM:"))
(run cmdstring)
(prompt #msg-ilib-prompt)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "RAM:dfa.library")
(dest libdest)
(run "Delete RAM:dfa.library")
(run "echo delete " (tackon libdest "DFA.library") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFABinaries" )
(complete 40)
; ********************
; Install Locale files
; ********************
; Locale: drawer present ?
(if (AND (NOT (= (getassign "Locale") "")) (exists "libs:locale.library"))
; Select language(s)
(set language
(prompt #msg-locale-prompt)
(help #msg-locale-help)
(choices "Deutsch"
; Copy catalogs
(if (IN language 0)
; German catalogs
(working #msg-xlocale-ger-working)
(if (NOT (exists "Locale:Catalogs"))
(run "MakeDir Locale:Catalogs" )
(if (NOT (exists "Locale:Catalogs/deutsch"))
(run "MakeDir Locale:Catalogs/deutsch" )
; NB: catalogs already stored with subpath /deutsch/*.catalog !
(run "ram:lhx e /Locale/Catalogs/deutsch/Catalogs.lha Locale:Catalogs/")
(if (exists "Locale:Catalogs/deutsch/DFA.catalog")
(working #msg-ulocale-ger-working)
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/deutsch/DFA.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/deutsch/DFALib.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/deutsch/DFAEditor.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/deutsch/DFAPrefs.catalog")
(if (IN language 1)
; French catalogs
(working #msg-xlocale-fre-working)
(if (NOT (exists "Locale:Catalogs"))
(run "MakeDir Locale:Catalogs" )
(if (NOT (exists "Locale:Catalogs/français"))
(run "MakeDir Locale:Catalogs/français" )
; NB: catalogs already stored with subpath /français/*.catalog !
(run "ram:lhx e /Locale/Catalogs/français/Catalogs.lha Locale:Catalogs/")
(if (exists "Locale:Catalogs/français/DFA.catalog")
(working #msg-ulocale-fre-working)
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/français/DFA.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/français/DFALib.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/français/DFAEditor.catalog")
(run "delete Locale:Catalogs/français/DFAPrefs.catalog")
(complete 50)
; *********************************
; Install the example arexx scripts
; *********************************
(set installrexx
(prompt #msg-arexx-prompt)
(help #msg-arexx-help)
(default 0)
(if (= installrexx 1)
(set rexxdest
(prompt #msg-arexxdest-prompt)
(help #msg-arexxdest-help)
(default "DFA:Rexx")
(working #msg-xarexx-working)
(if (AND (NOT (= (substr rexxdest (- (strlen rexxdest) 1 ) 1 ) ":" ))
(NOT (= (substr rexxdest (- (strlen rexxdest) 1 ) 1 ) "/" )))
; Destination ends not in ":" or "/", append "/"
(set rexxdest (cat rexxdest "/"))
(set cmdstring (cat "ram:lhx e -t " "/Rexx/ArexxScripts.lha "))
(set cmdstring (cat cmdstring rexxdest))
(run cmdstring)
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "ArexxErrorCodes.include") " > DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(run "protect DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx s add")
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "Call.rexx") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "DoCall.dfa") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "email.dfa") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "export_bt_ii.dfa") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "export_dfa.dfa") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "export_tex.dfa") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "importadm.dfa") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "insert_adr.ced") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "insert_adrletter.ced") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "insert_texadr.ced") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "LetterHead.txt") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "makephonelist.ced") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "printlaserlabels.dfa") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "RemindBirthday.rexx") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon rexxdest "TeXAddressList.dfa") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFARexx" )
(complete 60)
; ****************************************************
; Copy Keyfile, if available (registered version only)
; ****************************************************
(if (exists "/s/DFA.key")
(set keydest
(prompt #msg-keydest-prompt)
(default "S:")
(help #msg-keydest-help)
(set error
(trap 4
(source "/S/DFA.key")
(dest keydest)
(prompt #msg-ikeyfile-prompt)
(if (> error 0)
(message (#msg-doserror-msg @ioerr))
(if (NOT (= keydest "s:")) || (NOT (= keydest "S:"))
(working #msg-setkeypath-working)
(run setenv "KEYPATH" keydest)
(run copy "Env:KEYPATH" "EnvArc:")
(complete 63)
; ********************************
; Install the default address file
; ********************************
; V2.2: s:adr.file -> DFA:AddressFiles/default.dfa
(set installadrfile
(prompt #msg-iadrfile-prompt)
(help #msg-iadrfile-help)
(if (= installadrfile 1)
(if (exists "DFA:AddressFiles/default.dfa")
(if (askbool
(prompt #msg-adrfileconfirm-prompt)
(help "" )
(set error
(trap 4
(copyfiles (source "/AddressFiles/default.dfa") (dest "DFA:AddressFiles") (infos) )
(if (> error 0)
(message (#msg-doserror-msg @ioerr))
(set error
(trap 4
(copyfiles (source "/AddressFiles/default.dfa") (dest "DFA:AddressFiles") (infos) )
(if (> error 0)
(message (#msg-doserror-msg @ioerr))
(complete 65)
; *************************
; Install the documentation
; *************************
; Get doc language
(set doclanguage
(prompt #msg-doclang-prompt)
(help #msg-doclang-help)
(choices #msg-doclang-eng-choice
(default 0)
; Set documentation source directory
(if (= doclanguage 0)
; English documentation
(set docsource "/Documentation/english/")
(makedir "DFA:Important!"
(if (= ImageDrawers 1)
(prompt #msg-imgdrawers-prompt)
(source "/Important!.info")
(dest "DFA:")
(prompt #msg-ireadme-prompt)
(source "/Important!")
(dest "DFA:Important!")
(tooltype (dest "DFA:Important!") (noposition))
; German documentation
(set docsource "/Documentation/deutsch/")
(makedir "DFA:Wichtig!"
(if (= ImageDrawers 1)
(prompt #msg-imgdrawers-prompt)
(source "/Wichtig!.info")
(dest "DFA:")
(prompt #msg-ireadme-prompt)
(source "/Wichtig!")
(dest "DFA:Wichtig!")
(tooltype (dest "DFA:Wichtig!") (noposition))
; Part(s) of the documentation to be installed
(set docparts
(prompt #msg-docparts-prompt)
(help #msg-docparts-help)
(choices #msg-docparts-ag-choice
; AmigaGuide documentation
(if (IN docparts 0)
(set guidedocdest
(prompt #msg-agdocdest-prompt)
(help #msg-agdocdest-help)
(default "DFA:Documentation")
(working #msg-xag-working)
(if (AND (NOT (= (substr guidedocdest (- (strlen guidedocdest) 1 ) 1 ) ":" ))
(NOT (= (substr guidedocdest (- (strlen guidedocdest) 1 ) 1 ) "/" )))
; Destination ends not in ":" or "/", append "/"
(set guidedocdest (cat guidedocdest "/"))
(set cmdstring (cat "ram:lhx e " (tackon docsource "Documentation.lha" )))
(set cmdstring (cat cmdstring " DFA.guide %s"))
(run cmdstring guidedocdest)
(run (cat "ram:lhx e /MagicWB/MagicWBIcons.lha DFA.guide.info " guidedocdest))
(tooltype (dest (tackon guidedocdest "DFA.guide")) (noposition))
(run "echo delete " (tackon guidedocdest "DFA.guide") " > DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFADocs" )
(run "protect DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFADocs s add")
(run "echo delete " (tackon guidedocdest "DFA.guide.info") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFADocs" )
(complete 72)
; TeX documentation - DVI file
(if (IN docparts 1)
(set texdocdest
(prompt #msg-texdocdest-prompt)
(help #msg-texdocdest-help)
(default "DFA:Documentation")
(working #msg-xtex-working)
(if (AND (NOT (= (substr texdocdest (- (strlen texdocdest) 1 ) 1 ) ":" ))
(NOT (= (substr texdocdest (- (strlen texdocdest) 1 ) 1 ) "/" )))
; Destination ends not in ":" or "/", append "/"
(set texdocdest (cat texdocdest "/"))
(set cmdstring (cat "ram:lhx e " (tackon docsource "Documentation.lha" )))
(set cmdstring (cat cmdstring " DFA.dvi %s"))
(run cmdstring texdocdest)
(run (cat "ram:lhx e /MagicWB/MagicWBIcons.lha DFA.dvi.info " texdocdest))
(tooltype (dest (tackon texdocdest "DFA.dvi")) (noposition))
(run "echo delete " (tackon guidedocdest "DFA.dvi") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFADocs" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon guidedocdest "DFA.dvi.info") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFADocs" )
(complete 80)
; ***********************
; Install the online help
; ***********************
(set oparts
(prompt #msg-oparts-prompt)
(help #msg-oparts-help)
(choices #msg-oparts-bighelp-choice
(default 1)
; The following "exists" command is needed to make
; the installer _NOT_ crash on the HELP _defer_ assign!
(if (exists "HELP:dummy" (noreq))
(set dummy "HELP:")
(set dummy "DFA:Documentation")
(if (NOT (= (getassign "Help") ""))
(set DefaultOnlineHelp "Help:")
(set DefaultOnlineHelp "DFA:Documentation")
(if (= oparts 0)
; BIG AmigaGuide file
; ...already installed ?
(if (IN docparts 0)
; Set both help vars to the main guide file
(set editorhelp (tackon guidedocdest "DFA.guide"))
(set prefshelp (tackon guidedocdest "DFA.guide"))
; Not installed -- do it now
(set guidedocdest
(prompt #msg-agdocdest-prompt)
(help #msg-agdocdest-help)
(default DefaultOnlineHelp)
(working #msg-xag-working)
(if (AND (NOT (= (substr guidedocdest (- (strlen guidedocdest) 1 ) 1 ) ":" ))
(NOT (= (substr guidedocdest (- (strlen guidedocdest) 1 ) 1 ) "/" )))
; Destination ends not in ":" or "/", append "/"
(set guidedocdest (cat guidedocdest "/"))
(set cmdstring (cat "ram:lhx e " (tackon docsource "Documentation.lha" )))
(set cmdstring (cat cmdstring " DFA.guide %s"))
(run cmdstring guidedocdest)
(run (cat "ram:lhx e /MagicWB/MagicWBIcons.lha DFA.guide.info " guidedocdest))
(tooltype (dest (tackon guidedocdest "DFA.guide")) (noposition))
(run "echo delete " (tackon guidedocdest "DFA.guide") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFADocs" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon guidedocdest "DFA.guide.info") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFADocs" )
; Set both help vars to the main guide file
(set editorhelp (tackon guidedocdest "DFA.guide"))
(set prefshelp (tackon guidedocdest "DFA.guide"))
(if (= oparts 1)
; Special ONLINE help files
(if (= doclanguage 0)
; english
(if (exists (tackon DefaultOnlineHelp "English/"))
(set onlinehelpdefdest (tackon DefaultOnlineHelp "English/"))
(set onlinehelpdefdest "DFA:Documentation")
(if (= doclanguage 1)
; german
(if (exists (tackon DefaultOnlineHelp "Deutsch/"))
(set onlinehelpdefdest (tackon DefaultOnlineHelp "Deutsch/"))
(set onlinehelpdefdest "DFA:Documentation")
(set onlinehelpdest
(prompt #msg-onlinedest-prompt)
(help #msg-onlinedest-help)
(default onlinehelpdefdest)
(working #msg-xonline-working)
(if (AND (NOT (= (substr onlinehelpdest (- (strlen onlinehelpdest) 1 ) 1 ) ":" ))
(NOT (= (substr onlinehelpdest (- (strlen onlinehelpdest) 1 ) 1 ) "/" )))
; Destination ends not in ":" or "/", append "/"
(set onlinehelpdest (cat onlinehelpdest "/"))
(set cmdstring (cat "ram:lhx e " (tackon docsource "Documentation.lha" )))
(set cmdstring (cat cmdstring " DFAEditor.guide %s"))
(run cmdstring onlinehelpdest)
(run (cat "ram:lhx e /MagicWB/MagicWBIcons.lha DFAEditor.guide.info " onlinehelpdest))
(tooltype (dest (tackon onlinehelpdest "DFAEditor.guide")) (noposition))
(run "echo delete " (tackon onlinehelpdest "DFAEditor.guide") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFADocs" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon onlinehelpdest "DFAEditor.guide.info") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFADocs" )
(set cmdstring (cat "ram:lhx e " (tackon docsource "Documentation.lha" )))
(set cmdstring (cat cmdstring " DFAPrefs.guide %s"))
(run cmdstring onlinehelpdest)
(run (cat "ram:lhx e /MagicWB/MagicWBIcons.lha DFAPrefs.guide.info " onlinehelpdest))
(tooltype (dest (tackon onlinehelpdest "DFAPrefs.guide")) (noposition))
(run "echo delete " (tackon onlinehelpdest "DFAPrefs.guide") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFADocs" )
(run "echo delete " (tackon onlinehelpdest "DFAPrefs.guide.info") " >> DFA:Prefs/installation/U_DFADocs" )
; Set both help vars to the onlinehelp files
(set editorhelp (tackon onlinehelpdest "DFAEditor.guide"))
(set prefshelp (tackon onlinehelpdest "DFAPrefs.guide"))
(if (= oparts 2)
; NO ONLINE help
(message #msg-noonlinehelp-msg)
(set editorhelp "")
(set prefshelp "")
(complete 90)
; **************************
; Install 3rd party software
; **************************
; Install OwndevUnit
(set installodu
(prompt #msg-odu-prompt)
(help #msg-odu-help)
(default 0)
(if (= installodu 1)
(set odudest
(prompt #msg-odudest-prompt)
(help #msg-odudest-help)
(default "Libs:")
(prompt #msg-iodu-prompt)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/libs/OwnDevUnit.library")
(dest odudest)
(run "echo delete " (tackon odudest "OwnDevUnit.library") " > DFA:Prefs/installation/U_ODULib" )
(run "protect DFA:Prefs/installation/U_ODULib s add")
(complete 92)
; ******************
; Set some tooltypes
; ******************
; Tooltypes for the executables...
(message #msg-tooltypes-msg)
(tooltype (dest (tackon serverdest "DFA")) (settooltype ("DFAEDITOR") (tackon editordest "DFAEditor")))
(tooltype (dest (tackon editordest "DFAEditor")) (settooltype ("DFAPREFS") (tackon prefsdest "DFAPrefs")))
(tooltype (dest (tackon editordest "DFAEditor")) (settooltype ("GUIDEFILE") (editorhelp)))
(tooltype (dest (tackon prefsdest "DFAPrefs")) (settooltype ("GUIDEFILE") (prefshelp)))
; Now reset some icon positions...
; for the executables...
(tooltype (dest (tackon serverdest "DFA")) (noposition))
(tooltype (dest (tackon editordest "DFAEditor")) (noposition))
(tooltype (dest (tackon prefsdest "DFAPrefs")) (noposition))
(tooltype (dest (tackon DFAdir "DFA")) (noposition))
(tooltype (dest "DFA:C/Registration") (noposition))
(tooltype (dest "DFA:C/ClickForColors") (noposition))
; for the drawers...
(tooltype (dest (tackon DFAdir "DFA")) (noposition))
(tooltype (dest "DFA:Rexx") (noposition))
(tooltype (dest "DFA:C") (noposition))
(tooltype (dest "DFA:Tools") (noposition))
(tooltype (dest "DFA:Prefs") (noposition))
(tooltype (dest "DFA:Libs") (noposition))
(tooltype (dest "DFA:Documentation") (noposition))
(tooltype (dest "DFA:AddressFiles") (noposition))
(complete 100)
(set EndMsg1 (#msg-end1-msg serverdest))
(set EndMsg3 (#msg-end2-msg editordest))
(set EndMsg2 (#msg-end3-msg prefsdest))
(set @default-dest serverdest)
(exit EndMsg1 EndMsg2 EndMsg3 #msg-exit-msg)